iLOQ Careers
Tule osaksi älykästä ja modernia lukitusalaa
iLOQ Careers
iLOQ on avaimesi palkitsevaan tulevaisuuteen. Haluatko liittyä meidän innovaattoreiden joukkoon? Laaja tuotevalikoima turvallisia ja kestäviä tuotteita on suunniteltu helpottamaan jokapäiväistä elämää.
Vapauta potentiaalisi
iLOQin perusti mies, joka unelmoi turvallisemmasta ja kätevämmästä työ- ja asuintilojen käytöstä. Yhtiömme on kehittynyt yhden miehen yrityksestä yli kahdensadan omistautuneen työntekijän perheeksi, jossa kaikilla on sama visio. iLOQilla kaikki pääsevät vaikuttamaan ja rohkaisemme luovuuteen ja innovointiin. Panostamme työntekijöidemme koulutukseen ja kehitykseen, jotta voimme venyttää innovaation rajoja ja luoda yhä parempia ratkaisuja, jotka tuovat aitoa lisäarvoa asiakkaillemme
Life made limitless
Mukaan menestystarinaamme
iLOQ on johtava innovaatioiden tuottaja omavoimaisessa digitaalisessa ja mobiilipohjaisessa pääsyoikeuksien hallinnassa. Tarjoamme älykkäitä lukitusratkaisuja sekä turvallisen pääsyn päivittäin käytettäviin rakennuksiin ja tiloihin. Huolehdimme teollisuuden ja teknisen infrastruktuurin tarpeista mobiilipohjaisilla ja digitaalisilla ratkaisuilla, jotka tehostavat pääsyoikeuksien jakamista ja hallintaa.
Patentoidun teknologian ja ohjelmiston avulla olemme luoneet vahvan valikoiman turvallisia ja kestäviä tuotteita, jotka on suunniteltu helpottamaan elämää. Hyödynnämme kaikkea, mitä digitaaliajalla on tarjottavanaan, ja lisäkehitykseen onkin rajattomat mahdollisuudet. Tule sinäkin osaksi menestystarinaamme.

Our Culture
How we maintain a positive team with a family spirit
We are the market and technology leader in digital access management
By combining above-industry standard safety requirements with game-changing technological and sustainable solutions, we have a unique opportunity to create a disruptive growth brand.
Making life accessible
Our goal is to continue to develop innovative digital locking and mobile access solutions that offer people, businesses and organizations freedom from the security risks, inflexibility and high lifecycle costs related to mechanical locks and keys. Our battery-free solutions not only minimize maintenance costs but also reduce environmental impact by annually saving 100,000 kg of battery waste.
Our Values
We base our business on sustainability, respect and results
We conserve the environment by minimizing battery waste and maximizing reusability. We build trust by being open, honest and fair. We do excellent business by being efficient at everything we do.
We believe in people
Our success is founded on competent people with a passion to make things happen. We support collective responsibility by encouraging individuals to think like entrepreneurs.
We are changing the game
We provide only unbeatable solutions and services that add real value to our customers and partners.
We challenge conventional thinking
By questioning the status quo and arguing about the future, we ensure our continuing ability to innovate revolutionary solutions.
Why work with us
Make a difference by joining us on our journey to make life accessible and enjoy what iLOQ has to offer for you.
iLOQ Family
When you join iLOQ, you also join the iLOQ Family. In iLOQ, we work hard, we support and respect each other and we celebrate our successes together. Well-being at work is taken seriously and a good work/home life balance is promoted.
Industry leader
iLOQ is leading the way in digital locking and mobile access sharing solutions. As a company, we push the boundaries of innovation every day. Our employees are very much part of this journey. We provide the tools and support to ensure all members of the iLOQ Family excel in their work and contribute to the ongoing success and growth of the company.
Continuous learning
In iLOQ, an entrepreneurial attitude and continuous learning are encouraged. From a comprehensive onboarding process to ongoing training and development programs, iLOQ ensures employees are well-prepared for their everyday work and for their future success in the company.
iLOQ rewards its employees well; both in terms of a competitive salary and benefits package and also by creating a positive culture where everyone feels fulfilled and motivated to perform at their very best. Due to our flat hierarchy, our employees are empowered to use their initiative to achieve personal and strategic goals.
Apply for our open positions
You can also send us an open application. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, connect with us here and we will contact you when your skills and expertise match our opportunities.